October 4, 2024
8 min read

What Neil Patel got right (and wrong) about youtube live webinars—and how you can do it better

Fraz A.

Neil Patel is a marketing genius, no doubt about that. His methods are often considered benchmarks in digital marketing strategies, and recently, I noticed he was using YouTube Live to run webinars. As effective as Neil's approach was, I spotted a few areas where even he could enhance his strategy. If you want to run a successful YouTube Live webinar and maximize your results, this guide will walk you through what Neil got right and where you can improve.

Why YouTube live is a great platform (and why it’s not enough)

Neil's decision to use YouTube Live for webinars was a smart one, as it offers several benefits:

  • Massive audience reach: YouTube is one of the largest platforms globally.
  • Cost-effectiveness: YouTube Live is completely free, making it an accessible option for businesses of all sizes.
  • SEO benefits: Since YouTube is owned by Google, videos hosted on the platform tend to rank better on search engines.

But here’s the catch: relying solely on YouTube Live can limit your ability to control the viewer experience and maximize conversions. YouTube’s ads, suggested videos, and lack of retargeting opportunities can hurt engagement and revenue opportunities.

Let’s dive into how you can follow Neil’s lead and go one step further.

What Neil got right: The power of the registration page

One of the first things Neil Patel nailed was not sending people directly to YouTube Live. Instead, he invited his audience to a registration page where he collected valuable contact information, including names and emails. This step is crucial because it converts viewers into leads before the webinar even starts.

Pro Tip: You can create a registration page using platforms like Grawt, ClickFunnels, or WordPress. Make sure your landing page highlights the value of your webinar and encourages people to sign up.

Neil also added a CTA to book calls for his agency on the thank-you page after registration, converting leads into potential clients—this is a fantastic strategy you should adopt.

However, Neil missed a huge opportunity to optimize this process further.

How you can improve: Embed YouTube live on a custom landing page

After registering for Neil’s webinar, I received a direct link to watch it on YouTube Live. This is where things could be better. By sending attendees straight to YouTube, Neil lost control over the viewing environment. Attendees were exposed to YouTube ads and suggested videos, which can distract viewers and reduce engagement.

A better approach? Send your attendees to a custom landing page with the YouTube Live video embedded. This way, you:

  • Eliminate distractions from competing ads or suggested content.
  • Retain control over the page layout and user experience.
  • Add a live chat feature directly on the page to encourage interaction.
  • Use retargeting pixels to follow up with attendees who engaged with the event.

After the live webinar, you can even turn this page into evergreen content by embedding the recorded version and adding a CTA to capture more leads.

What Neil got right: Effective email reminders

Neil’s reminder email strategy was spot-on. Leading up to the webinar, I received several well-timed reminders:

One day before the event.

One hour before the event.

When the webinar went live.

These reminder emails are critical for ensuring high attendance, especially since webinars are easily forgotten in today’s fast-paced world. Neil’s emails provided all the key details and links, making it simple for attendees to join.

How you can improve: Streamline the calendar integration

While Neil did a great job sending reminders, he missed an opportunity to streamline the process. Instead of asking users to manually add the event to their Google or Outlook calendars, you can send an .ICS file. This allows attendees to add the webinar to their calendar with a single click, increasing the likelihood they’ll actually attend.

Also, ensure your reminder emails are mobile-friendly, as a significant portion of your audience will check their emails on smartphones.

This is how Neil did it:

What Neil got right: Post-webinar follow-up

Neil also sent two crucial follow-up emails after the event:

A feedback request to gauge the audience’s experience.

A link to the webinar recording.

These follow-ups are vital for keeping the conversation going with attendees and gathering valuable feedback. Additionally, sharing the recording allows those who couldn’t attend live to engage with the content.

How you can improve: Track engagement with landing pages

While Neil’s post-webinar follow-up was effective, he missed another opportunity here. Instead of directing viewers to YouTube to watch the recording, consider sending them to another custom landing page where the recording is embedded. Here’s why:

  • You can track engagement on your landing page more effectively than on YouTube.
  • You can add conversion elements, like a CTA for booking a consultation, downloading a resource, or signing up for future webinars.
  • Use retargeting ads for those who visit your page to drive additional conversions down the line.

How to maximize your webinar’s long-term impact

Once the live event is over, you can turn your YouTube Live webinar into evergreen content. Keep the landing page live with the recording embedded and include a strong CTA to capture more leads or promote additional offers. This way, your webinar continues to work for you long after the live event is done.

Final thoughts: Where Neil excelled and where he could have improved

Neil Patel’s approach to webinars using YouTube Live was effective in many ways. He nailed the registration process, email reminders, and post-webinar follow-ups. However, by embedding the video on a custom landing page and using better calendar integration, Neil—and you—could take webinar strategies to the next level.

If you want to maximize leads, engage your audience, and convert viewers into clients, follow these steps and improve upon Neil’s strategy to create your own successful webinars.

Ready to level up your webinars?

Now that you know what worked and what didn’t, it’s time to implement these strategies and run more effective webinars. Leverage the power of YouTube Live, but be sure to optimize every step for maximum results.

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